临床外科杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (12): 1056-1059.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-6483.2019.12.014

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  1. 272011 山东省济宁市第一人民医院脊柱外科(卢公标、靳留忠、陆继收、邢宝华);重庆医科大学第一附属医院脊柱外科(权正学)
  • 出版日期:2019-12-20 发布日期:2019-12-20

Comparative study of two surgical methods for fracture and dislocation of type B and type C cervical7/thoracic

  1. Department of Spine Surgery,Jining No.1 People's Hospital,Shandong,Jining 272011,China
  • Online:2019-12-20 Published:2019-12-20

摘要: 目的 分析、对比椎弓根钉联合锁定板短节段固定和椎弓根钉长节段固定两种手术方式治疗B、C型颈7/胸1骨折脱位特点。方法 颈7/胸1骨折脱位病人24例,根据手术方法将其分为A、B两组,A组13例,采用椎弓根钉联合锁定板短节段固定,B组11例,采用椎弓根钉长节段固定。比较两组手术时间、出血量以及并发症。依据CT扫描,观察椎弓根螺钉置入准确性。采用JOA评分评价术后脊髓功能改善。应用NDI评估术后颈椎功能。结果 A组出现颈前血肿1例,3个月复查时已吸收;A、B组均出现颈后部脂肪液化1例,给予换药、清创后愈合。共置入颈胸椎椎弓根螺钉各70枚,术后1周CT检查显示,颈7椎弓根螺钉3枚,颈5、颈6椎弓根螺钉各2枚,部分螺纹穿破椎弓根外侧壁,无神经根及椎动脉损伤。A组手术时间(194.62±29.89)分钟,出血量(188.85±67.89)ml;B组手术时间(163.64±32.02)分钟,出血量(244.55±42.51)ml,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。JOA改善率术后1周A组(0.27±0.18)%、B组(0.27±0.11)%,术后3个月A组(0.35±0.20)%、B组(0.40±0.17)%,末次随访A组(0.40±0.22)%、B组(0.42±0.16)%,两组各时间点比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。NDI评分术后3个月A组(0.17±0.04)、B组(0.30±0.07),末次随访A组(0.09±0.03)、B组(0.18±0.07),两组两个时间点比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 椎弓根钉联合锁定板短节段固定操作复杂、创伤大,但有利于术后肢体功能恢复。椎弓根钉长节段固定创伤小,但增加了置钉风险,且对术后颈椎功能影响大。在病人身体状况能耐受前提下,优先选择前后路联合短节段固定。

关键词: 颈椎, 胸椎, 骨折, 脱位, 颈胸联合部

Abstract: Objective To analyze and compar the characteristics of fracture and dislocation of type B and type C cervical 7/thoracic1 by  pedicle screw combined locking plate short segment fixation and pedicle screw long segment fixation.Methods Twenty-four patients with cervical 7/ thoracic 1 fracture and dislocation were divided into group A(13 cases) and group B(11 cases) according to the inclusion criteria.Group A was treated with pedicle screw combined with locking plate for short segment fixation,while group B was treated with pedicle screw for long segment fixation.The operation time,blood loss and complications were counted.CT scan was used to observe the accuracy of pedicle screw placement.JOA score was used to evaluate the improvement of spinal cord function after surgery.NDI was used to evaluate postoperative cervical function.Independent sample t-test was used to compare the observation results of the two surgical methods.Results A case of anterior cervical hematoma was found in group A,which had been absorbed 3 months later.One case of fat liquefaction at the back of neck occurred in group A and group B,which was healed after dressing change and debridement.A total of 70 cervical and thoracic pedicle screws were placed.CT scan 1 week after surgery showed that 3 cervical 7 pedicle screws,2 cervical 5 pedicle screws and 2 cervical 6 pedicle screws,partial thread perforation of the lateral wall of the pedicle,no nerve root or vertebral artery injury.The operation time was(194.62±29.89)min and blood loss was(188.85±67.89)ml in group A,the operation time was(163.64±32.02)min and the blood loss was(244.55±42.51)ml in group B ,which were statistically significant(P<0.05).The improvement degree of JOA was(0.27±0.18)% in group A and(0.27±0.11)% in group B at 1week after the operation;(0.35±0.20)% in group A and(0.40±0.17)% in group B at 3 months after the operation;(0.40±0.22)% in group A and(0.42±0.16)% in group B at the last follow-up.There was no statistical significance at each time point(P>0.05).The NDI scores were(0.17±0.04)in group A and(0.30±0.07)in group B at 3 months after the operation;(0.09±0.03)in group A and(0.18±0.07)% in group B at the last follow-up.There was significant differences in the two time points(P<0.05).Conclusion Pedicle screw combined locking plate short segment fixation is complicated and traumatic,but it is conducive to postoperative limb function recovery.Pedicle screw fixation with long segments is less invasive,but it increases the risk of screw placement and has a great impact on postoperative cervical vertebral function.The anterior and posterior combined short segment fixation is preferred when the patient's physical condition is tolerable.

Key words: cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, fracture, dislocation, cervicothoracic junction

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