Journal Online
Journal of Clinical Surgery, sponsored by Hubei Branch of Chinese Medical Association, was established in July 1993. It is a monthly journal, 72 pages, big 16 opens domains, unified issuing number: ISSN 1005-6483 /CN 42-1334/R,published at home and abroad. The Journal publishes special topic writing, dissertations, summaries, clinical experience and case reports concerning basic, clinical medicine about surgery from doctors and researchers in higher medical institutes and hospitals world-wide.
Manuscripts’ arrangements are expected to meet the Uniform Requirement for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (the 5th edition) basically, which was laid down by Internal Medical Journals Edition Committee. Any reference about this please consults Ann Intern Med, 1997, 126 (1): 36-47. Specific requirements for manuscripts are as follows:
Manuscripts are received with printed copy that they should be scientific, advanced, pragmatic, concise, clear, well-arranged, well-informed and data-accurate.
Provided the manuscript is to be printed, full text will be published in English. Any contribution in hard copy or by E-mail is welcomed. If printing copy, using size A4 paper to type the text in a separate line when the present line is done. Each manuscript should include title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgement, reference, tables, charts and captions, starting each of these sections on a new page, numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.
Title page: It contains the title of the article, which should be concise but informative. The names of all authors are to be placed under the title in sequence, and personal signatures in the same sequence are a must. Pay attention to accuracy of the English title, the names of all authors with their affiliations and the contacting methods in English (address, postcode, telephone and fax number, E-mail address, etc.).
Abstract and key words: A structural abstract of no more than 250 words is to be put on the second page. It should embody four parts, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. It's desirable to employ the third person to write, not “this article” or “the author” in stead of. Supply three to eight key words or short phrases, and terms from the medical subject heading (MeSH) list Index Medicus should be adopted, each word being separated by semicolon.
Figures and Tables: Each figure and table is demanded to be numbered consecutively with the order given in the text, typed in separate sheets, and headed by a concise title. Attach all tables after the text. Place explanatory materials in footnotes below the table, and illustrate in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations used in table. The Journal takes the “Three Lines” form of table, requiring the data of the table in accordance with the significant digits of the same index (in the text). Only professional quality glossy photographs and black and white drawings are acceptable. Table numbers, subjects, names of the authors and an arrow indicating “top” should be affixed to the back of each table with soft pencil. If any images of people are involved, it must be granted by the persons in written. Magnification and staining should be indicated when pertinent (esp. pathological pictures concerned).
References: References should be listed in the order as mentioned in the text using Vancouver style. References are supposed to be sequentially listed according to GB/T 7714-2005 The Rules of References after the Manuscript, being marked by numbers in square brackets in the order as mentioned in the text. The authors must have read the references themselves. List the authors of the reference up to three and,“et al” if more than three. Names of journals should be abbreviated on the basis of the Index Medicus. Every reference should be symbolized by beginning and ending pages. Authors ought to check all references for accuracy and, at the same time, to correct text citation, listing all the citation orderly in Arabian number at the bottom of the text before submitting the articles. The following are two examples of reference style:
1 Bold RJ, Ota DM, Ajani JA, et al. Peritoneal and serum tumor markers predict recurrence and survival of patients with respectable gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer, 1999, 2(1): 1-7.
2 Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathologic properties of invading microorganisms.In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders,1974:457-472.
Other specification: Numbers are required in Arabian. Units of measurement are to be presented in metric units, such as m, cm, mm, mm Hg, μm, nm, L, dL, mL,μL, kg, g, mg,μg, kcal, ℃,etc. Abbreviations and terms in simplified forms should be displayed in whole words or phrases at the first time, directly followed by its abbreviation, for example, nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC), When the terms are to be mentioned the second time, the shortened forms in question are acceptable. The abbreviations ought to be standard ones. Any abbreviations in title and abstract are not allowed.
If some Funds subjects of the studies are involved in the manuscripts, be it winning national, ministrial, provincial funds or concerning the special and strategic program, all should be given clear indication in the title page (the Funds number is to be needed), and the copy of the Funds certificate a plus.
Manuscripts must be accompanied by a introduction letter from the author’s institution. The letter should contain (1) institution’s review and remarks over the manuscript, (2) a statement of no duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the text, (3) a statement that no secretes or classified information are involved, (4) a statement of no signiture or other relationships problems that might lead to a conflict of interest.
To reduce errors in typesetting and to speed up publication, authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts on disk. Disks should not be sent until the manuscript has been accepted and all revisions have been made. The revised manuscript should be saved in paper pattern as well as in pure text pattern, and the saving pattern must clearly indicated on the disk. The editors will not accept a disk without accompanying printouts of all the files on the disk nor without the original manuscript.
Under conditions prescribed by Copyright Law and under considerations of some context of the Journal, manuscripts which are acknowledged recipts but no further notice in the following 3 months may be in the course of examine. If contribution elsewhere is a want, please contact with the editor first because double contribution to different journals with the same manuscripts are not permitted. Keep all the manuscripts for no original manuscript will be returned.
Authors are responsible for the manuscripts they submitted. The Journal, on the basis of Copyright Law, is entitled to revise and abridge the manuscripts. Any amendments concerning the original meaning will be referred to the author for consideration.
Once the manuscript was adopted into the inclusion of the press, the Journal has the rights to publish the manuscript by means of electronic medium or in disc edition. Any part of the manuscript should on no condition be reprinted without our approval. The publisher will pay the author remuneration and provide a copy of the journal free of charge, if the manuscript is accepted.
Address of Editorial Office: Editorial Office of Journal of Clinical Surgery, No. 165, Donghu Road,Wuchang,Wuhan,430071,China; Telephonen:0086-27-87893476; (Fax): 0086-27-87893476; Email: whlcwk@126.com
2018-09-20 Visited: